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After the unspeakable, we speak hope. Image

After the unspeakable, we speak hope.

In a disaster, The Salvation Army has the ability to provide both immediate emergency assistance and long-term recovery help.


The most visible of our disaster services is the preparation and delivery of meals to victims, first responders, and emergency workers. Food is often prepared and served at feeding sites, such as Salvation Army buildings, camps, or shelters, or from one of the Army's mobile feeding units, commonly called canteens.

Many times water supply is negatively effected during disasters. Beverages, such as bottled water and Gatorade, are provided to meet basic hydration requirements for emergency service workers and victims when regular water supply is not usable. 

Due to the various day-to-day social service programs that are offered by The Salvation Army, we have incredible resources and expertise in logistical management and trucking. The Salvation Army often assists with the intake and distribution of unsolicited donations, which with little management will often flood emergency scenes and create larger issues for survivors and first responders.

We provide direct financial assistance to disaster victims through a system of trained caseworkers. The assistance available includes essential living supplies, such as food, clothing, tools, gas, medicine, bedding, or baby products, emergency housing needs and disaster-related medical or funeral expenses. 

The Salvation Army provides a comforting and calming ministry of presence for anyone who might be impacted by a disaster, crisis, or traumatic situation. Members of the Emotional and Spiritual Care Team are trained in emotional first aid, referrals to counseling resources and prayer, and spiritual support upon request. 

The Salvation Army supports people as they clean up and rebuild after a disaster. This includes distribution of cleanup materials, coordination of volunteer rebuilding teams, and set up of warehouses to distribute supplies.

Through The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) and other amateur radio groups, emergency communication can continue when more traditional networks, such as telephones are inoperable.

Other Ways We Meet Needs